Sunday, March 31, 2019

Fort Jesus, Historical Kenyan site

It is such a beautiful view to go watch at Fort Jesus. There is rich history preserved and very beautiful ocean with its blue waters at the Kenyan coastline. 
The location is super convenient and all one needs to do is get a tuktuk and enjoy some ride to the place. Of course you can use a cab, but a tuktuk feels more coastal.

Some amazing peppered and non-peppered crisps are on sale at the entrance, don't miss the bite!

Kenya has an amazing coastline that one can't get enough of with the beautiful tides splashing water on the corals and sand.

Some of the coastal areas have creeks like the one in the pictures and others have beautiful sandy beaches. The coral on the creeks keeps changing shape as waters beat on it and curves it out further.
You will meet courageous men and women diving inside these deep ocean waters and having a lot of fun! Something that I always wish I could do but the feeling goes away :)

These are some archaeological arts in Fort Jesus that people should have fun looking at and learning the history behind these fine artifacts.  

Coral is a very precious stone in the coast and Kenya, and has some major benefits that the manufacturing industry enjoys.

It is also a unique identifier of the Coastal area.

These pieces are a gem and they look way beautiful in reality!! The shells convey the wide variety of ocean life that is there in Kenyan waters and rich history.

Some items display the trade that used to take place in ancient days and the attire that traders draped in. There were a lot of traders from the East who left their mark in several aspects of the Kenyan coast, from the culture, to trade, to architecture.

They traveled through the ocean to the coastal line to trade and settle down in the Kenya coast. Fort Jesus preserves a deep part of this history.
This is part of the wall of Fort Jesus that was a security feature in the ancient days to fight of the enemies.

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